I’m Bill McDonald, creator of the 21st Century Knight’s Code of Conduct and the 13 Codes Live Event, and I’ve got an encouraging message today. 

You ready? 

You are NOT average!  

You are unique, set apart, and called to greatness! You are a man who has been given the responsibility and the honor of living a life of integrity and humanitarianism. You’re here to protect and preserve the women in your life, and to provide safety for them. You’re here to lead a life of distinction! 

Have you started integrating The 13 Codes into your life? If not, NOW is the time to do so! Download your free copy of the 21st Century Knight’s Code of Conduct right here:  

The 21st Century Knight's Code of Conduct

I created this guide because I am well aware of how difficult it is to live a life of honor as a man in this modern culture. I’m betting that even as you read this message, you may be thinking,

“Bill, really, I’d love to be a Modern Knight, but I’ve screwed up too much!”

Maybe you’re thinking, “I cheated on my wife ...it’s too late for me to live with honor.”

Or, “I filed for bankruptcy last year. I’m a failure.”  

Or, “I’m addicted to porn.  There’s no hope for me.”

Or, “My anger is out of control. I want to keep my temper in check, but it’s impossible.”  

Well, I’m here to say that not ONE of the above situations is insurmountable. Anything or anyone who convinces you that your life is ruined is a LIAR. Anyone who tells you that your marriage, your credit, or your mind can’t be repaired is a deceiver!

Because you, my friend, are a Modern Day Knight!  

Hear me when I say that your past has passed. You are not a failure. You are not even average. 


And you are called to live out your extraordinary life, in honor, with integrity, and in service to others.  

Today, be encouraged. Know that whatever you have experienced, and whatever trial you are walking through now, you can survive and surpass it. 

You are a Modern Day Knight! Now start living like it! 

To Your Success, 

Bill McDonald

P.S. The 13 Codes will inspire and encourage you when you feel like the deck is stacked against you. Make sure to download them and keep them in a place where you can easily reference them. Here’s the link to download.  And stay tuned for an exciting opportunity to learn how to integrate The 13 Codes into your life, coming up very soon!