Have you seen a guy, balding with a bit of a belly, parking his cherry red Porsche and escorting a great-looking lady about 20 years younger to a fancy dinner? 

Yeah, thought so. Having lived in California for years (though now I’m on my dream property in Virginia; I’ll save that story for another email), I’ve seen this dozens, if not hundreds, of times. It always makes me feel embarrassed for the guy and nervous for the girl. Not a good situation. 

I know that because you’re reading this email, you do NOT want to end up like this guy in the red Porsche. Okay, maybe you wouldn’t mind owning a Porsche, but you’d want your life partner beside you, not some fling. And you definitely wouldn’t want that belly. 

But maybe right now you’re worried that your life is heading in that direction. You’re bored with where you are: in your relationship, in your career, in your life. 

The good news is that you recognize the problem. When you start to feel like you’re coasting, that’s when you should sense the danger on the horizon. And because you know that something is feeling is little bit off right now, you can begin to take dedicated action to righting the ship. 

I’m going to give you one word to focus on: COMMITMENT. 

To truly excel in life, and you ARE meant to excel, you’ve got to be 100% committed, full-on, all-systems-go, ready to do WHATEVER it takes. 

That marriage you’re in? Unless there’s infidelity or abuse, COMMIT to making it work. You made vows to your partner. HONOR them. 

That job you hate? COMMIT to finding something you love about it every single day and adding value to your workplace. Then commit to looking for something that suits you better - or building something of your very own. 

That belly that stares back at you in the mirror when you take your shirt off at night? COMMIT to cleaning up your diet and adding regular exercise into your routine, and it will soon be a distant memory. 

Commitment is your secret weapon. So few men exhibit it these days with any regularity. But you are extraordinary. 
What is ONE POSITIVE thing you will commit to today? Hit reply and share it with me! 

To Your Success, 

Bill McDonald

P.S. Don’t miss your chance to learn how to understand your partner, revive your romantic relationship, and overcome obstacles to love! Join me for the FIP Webinar tonight! (Click HERE to register)